Illusions Of You

Just as I surrender myself over to the covetous night
and my concupiscence quiets it’s howling to a low drone,
a familiar, reposeful scent turns in it’s sleep from the wind’s disturbance.
I bask in it until there isn’t a sober vein in my being from your inebriant.
A calm sea need not be roused beneath those petal-like eyelids
and your form could deceive as a carved statue,
blanketed in ripples of cotton white.
But my panting thighs are polluted with the rush of your touch
and my heaving breasts with the dewdrops from your lips.
Nothing stares back nor replies to my fevered sighs
and I hear you heavily dreaming by my side
……or am I?

















She ( a tip of the tongue piece)

I awaken with thoughts of her
about my mind
I see her before the light
I feel her before I stir
She lives within  me

Within my heart and mind,
behind my eyes
behind my ribs
caged in my heart

She is the thump
the echo of my heart beating
Her name is all I need
to feel myself weaken,
but also keep me strong
She paralyses me with her beauty
but gives me strength to move 

I don’t dream of her
For a dream is make believe
She is my reality
She is my life
My hopes and desires
My world

Dedicated to my light, Ivey

The sky was an archaic black densely packed with smog

The scene reminiscent of the industrious London fog

No light penetrate’s the ghostly mist that’s in the air

Future right in front of you, but not know that it’s there

The sky could be bright blue and change the mood around

But neither sun nor shine will ever hit the ground

Feeling dark forever the light won’t shine again

Forever will be blind, only seeing pain

But one fateful morning the fog began to shift

And the pain began to fade and my mood began to lift

The sun shined on through, caused my eyes to squint

The world took on a new life and a much more vibrant tint

I finally saw before me, the one that brought me peace

The saviour of my heart and mind, who gave me my release

My darkness now has changed, for once now I can see

I finally found my missing light, the one who shines on me

Two Flames (Sonnet)

I dont class myself as a poet or writer, i dont feel i have the talent to be able to call myself that.  I compare myself to a guy that likes to cook.  I enjoy cooking and its therapeutic but i am not a Chef.  I lack that certain something to take me to that point, versatility, imagination etc.  Ivey, well i would call Ivey a writer and poet as she is incredible, i am hoping she will post some of hers on here soon so you can all see how amazing she is.

Anyway, i tried expanding my versatility, so i thought i would give a sonnet a go.  I’d heard of a sonnet but never understood what made a poem a sonnet.  Then i learnt…..ish.  Its 3 stanzas of 4 lines with an A B A B rhyme scheme, meaning lines 1 and 3 rhyme and lines 2 and 4 rhyme and repeat that for the second and third stanza.  Then finish with a couplet that rhyme so

A B A B – C D C D – E F E F – G G

Also, each line is in “Iambic Pentameter” (this is something i still struggle with) Where each line has 10 syllables in a Du Dum Du Dum Du Dum Du um Du Dum rhythm.  I really cant work that part out.  There are also rules with how the structure works.   Continue reading